
Nickel compounds are used for nickel plating, coloring ceramics, making batteries, and as catalysts, which accelerate the rate of chemical reactions. Pure nickel is a hard metal, which is used to make stainless steel and other metal alloys.


Los compuestos de níquel se usan para niquelado, colorear cerámicas, fabricar baterías, y como catalizadores, que aceleran la velocidad de reacciones químicas. El níquel puro es un metal duro, que se usa para fabricar acero inoxidable y otras aleaciones de metales.


It is a soft, ductile and easy to shape metal. It has a great wetting property and high resistance to corrosion, ideal for coating other metals. It is mainly used in the manufacture of bronze, an alloy of tin and copper.


Zamak is an alloy of zinc, aluminum, magnesium and copper. It is strong, durable and has a low melting point. It is used in the manufacture of metal castings, such as keys, buckles and automotive parts, as well as in jewelry and fashion accessories.


Antimony is used in the manufacture of batteries, plastics, glass and ceramics. It is also used as a flame retardant in electronic materials and textiles. Used as an alloy, this semi-metal greatly increases the hardness and mechanical strength of lead.

Zinc spheres

Zinc spheres are used in the manufacture of bearings, ball bearings, valves, chemicals, jewelry, decorative items and paints. Their high corrosion resistance and durability make them ideal for these applications.