Nickel sulfate

It is used in electrolytic baths, as electroplating, in synthesis, organic, metallic colorant, mordant for dyes, in the manufacture of nickel salts and Ni-Cd batteries.

Molding router

A tool made in the USA, it is used to cut channels or gates in silicone molds. The router handle has a plastic grip. A variety of blades are sold separately, offering 4 shapes.

Deburring wheel

It is a wheel with excellent performance with a sharp edge or metal burrs, its interlocking structure provides medium power and rigidity for tasks such as deburring, edge radius, smoothing, polishing and finishing.

Clamshell Grinding Wheel

They are ideal for roughing, polishing metal surfaces and removing scratches from stainless steel. It has excellent flexibility, adapts to the work surface, guaranteeing perfect finishes with uniform removal.